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:DelVar DDelVar L39→dim(L3
:1→T:Lbl 1
:Text(5,28,"‾ TI JUMP! ‾
: Pt-On(A,‾16
:Repeat getKey
: For(A,1,W
: Text(46,38,"π
: End
: Text(46,38," "
: For(A,1,W
: Text(32,61,"π
: End
: Text(32,61," "
: For(A,1,W
: Text(21,41,"π
: End
: Text(21,41," "
:End:Lbl J
:Menu("*-TI JumP-*","Jouer",9,"Scores",S,"Quitter",Q
:Lbl S:ClrDraw
:Text(1,25,"Meilleurs scores
:Text(20,1,"1er: ",L6(1
:Text(35,20,"2e: ",L6(2
:Text(50,39,"3e: ",L6(3
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl 9:ClrDraw
:DelVar CDelVar SDelVar ΘDelVar C1→G
:Lbl 2
:If not(Q:8→D
:If D=2:Then:Text(1,1,int(S
: Text(M,N,"^
: DelVar C1→G:End
:If D≠2:Text(M,N," "
:DelVar EIf Θ=1:Then
: S+5→S
: M+8(D≠2→M
: For(A,1,9
: Text(L2(A),L1(A)," "
: End
: For(A,9,2,‾1
: L1(A-1→L1(A
: L3(A-1→L3(A
: End
: randInt(14,74→L1(1
: L1(1)+(int(L1(1)/2)=L1(1)/2)→L1(1
: Q-(D=2→Q
: If D=2:Goto 2
: Text(M+7,N+1," "
: If S≥100:1.2→T
: If S≥200:1.4→T
: randInt(1,3→D
: randInt(1,8→U
: If D=2:1→L3(U
: If D=1:2→L3(U
: If L3(U:ClrDraw
: For(A,1,8,T
: round(A,0→A
: If not(L3(A:Text(L2(A),L1(A),"-
: If L3(A)=2:Text(L2(A),L1(A),"+
: If L3(A)=1:Text(L2(A),L1(A),"+
: End
: Goto Θ:End
: E+1→E
: randInt(14,74→B
: B+(int(B/2)=(B/2→B
: B→L1(E:A→L2(E:Text(L2(E),B,"-
:End:Lbl Θ
:Lbl 3
:Vertical 13
:Vertical 81
:StorePic 1
:Repeat K=45 or M=55
: RecallPic 1
: Text(1,1,int(S
: If M<52:Then
: If Pxl-Test(M+10,N+2) and not(Pxl-Test(M+10,N+1:Then
: Pause "FUSEE!
: 20→Q:2→D:Goto 2:End
: If Pxl-Test(M+10,N+3) and Pxl-Test(M+10,N+1:Goto 5
: End
: If M=9:Then
: 1→Θ:Goto 2:End
: getKey→K
: Text(M,N,"π
: If K=34:Then:Text(30,36,"Pause
: Pause :DelVar KClrDraw:RecallPic 1:End
: If K=24 and N≠14:Then
: Text(M,N+4," ":N-2→N:End
: If K=26 and N≠74:Then:Text(M,N-4," ":N+2→N:End
: If K=26 and N=74:Then:Text(M,N," ":14→N:End
: If K=24 and N=14:Then:Text(M,N," ":74→N:End
: If Pxl-Test(M+7,N+2:DelVar C1→G
: If G:Then:M-2→M:C+1→C:S+1→S:End
: If C=10:DelVar G
: If not(G:Then:C-1→C:M+2→M:S-.4→S:End
: If M<53:Text(M+4,N," "
: Text(1,1," ":End
:Lbl 5
:DelVar DText(7,30,"GAME OVER!
:Text(20,1,"Score: ",S
:If S>L6(3:S→L6(3
:If S>L6(2:Then:L6(2→L6(3:S→L6(2:End
:If S>L6(1:Then
: L6(1→L6(2:L6(2→L6(3
: S→L6(1:End
:If S≤L6(3
: Text(30,1,"A battre: ",L6(3:
:Else:Text(30,1,"Meileur score!
:Pause :Goto J:End
:Lbl Q:ClrDraw
:DelVar CDelVar GDelVar SDelVar L1DelVar L2
Wistaro a écrit:Je travaille sur un V2 avec, entre autres:
-Une rapidité augmentée
- Ajout de plaques mouvantes
- Ajout de monstres
- Ajout d'un système de shop
- Ajout de bonus/malus
blg_flg a écrit:Tu ne voudrais pas utiliser le scrolling de Wlib ?
: If Pxl-Test(M+10,N+2) and not(Pxl-Test(M+10,N+1:Then
: Pause "FUSEE!
: 20→Q:2→D:Goto 2:End
If not(A
Goto 1
Disp 0
Lbl 1
Disp 1
Lbl 1
While 1 //Boucle qui sert à simuler le bogue
Disp A
If not(getKey
Goto 1 //On va rentre à nouveau dans la boucle
: If K=26 and N≠74:Then:Text(M,N-4," ":N+2→N:End
: If K=26 and N=74:Then:Text(M,N," ":14→N:End
If K=26
Text(M,N-4(N!=74)," "
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Tout 82 » Programmes » Les Programmes des Internautes (TI-Basic z80) » [prgm - jeu] Doodle Jump ! (TI-basic - écran graphique)
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